Thursday, December 12, 2013

Zapper can help for preventing Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is a disease , which short name and popular by the name in sub continent TB. The main cause
of the disease is mycobacterium. When a person affected by the disease , then it first affect to lungs. The main symptom of the disease is bloody cough, physical weakness, sweats in night time, chronic fever, weight decrease day by day.
Usually this disease spread through the air , when Tuberculosis affected person through cough in open place that moment TB germ rapidly spread to the another person. This disease can also transmit to the air by the sneeze.
TB firstly affected to lungs , when it reached to chronic stage , it affect to central nervous system.
 Some potential treatment can prevent the disease.

BCG vaccine is common vaccine for preventing tuberculosis. But the vaccine can protect only children which age is under 16 years.

Always eat nutritious food and wear a mask whenever exposure is possible. For keeping our physical condition fresh water is very important. While this zapper can help with water purification, it may also have benefit for killing microbes in the human body. Additional studies are needed. ParaZapper can eliminate bacteria from water with 1 hours usage.
ParaZapper is a trademark of
Para Systems, Inc.
5537 Balboa Ct.
Pinson, AL 35126 USA
All rights reserved.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dysentry in Bangladesh, LVPEF Device can Reduce the Rate

Intestinal inflammation and  frequently latrine with mucus is called dysentery. The main odor with mucus, stomach pain.
symptoms of the dysentery is illness, frequent times
A survey was taken in Bangladesh about 50 sub- districts at rural area. They select 29885 household for sample design. Finally they randomly select 30 cluster samples. For continue their promotional activities they implement sanitary latrines, tube wells,  give training about hygiene and health.
After some month they got overall result. Dysentery affection rate reduced 10%.
This disease is also called shigellosis. Shigella contaminated to human body by water or food. Unhygienic food and public sanitation helps to rapidly spread the disease.
Solving Way:
 Usually doctors are use re hydration therapy. For specific condition require microbiological microscopy therapy.
Since this disease is considered water borne disease perhaps ParaZapper will very effective because Cause LVPEF device such as ParaZapper can kill protozoa,, bacteria, and other small germ from water within 1 hour. Since the human body is water based, studies are asked to be done for killing bacteria infection.
I like to read about LVPEF device and enjoyed to visit the site so many times.
ParaZapper is a trademark of
Para Systems, Inc.
5537 Balboa Ct.
Pinson, AL 35126 USA
All rights reserved.

Rabies Situation in Bangladesh & Contribution of LVPEF Device

Infected warm blooded animals bear this virus. This virus can be transmitted to human from warm blooded s like as dogs. After transmitted in human body, some month later this virus infects the central nervous system which ultimate result is death.
When rabies virus reaches central nervous system this time symptoms begin to show. This infection is untreatable and reached to fatal condition within some days. Majority percent rabies affected people are died from Asia. The main reason of human rabies is dog bites.
Directorate General of Health Service take survey report from Mohakhali Infectious Disease Hospital about Dhaka tribune. In 2006 death from rabies was 167. But the number of deaths rate in 2013 come down to 46.
DGHS provide this vaccine free of 65 health centers all over the country. But this vaccine is not available for people for this reason some people are deprive from the treatment. This patient purchased the vaccine from outer shop. Each vaccine cost is 500- 700.
A rabies patient must need to drink fresh water. Dr. Clark recommended a LVPEF device which is called ParaZapper. It can kill all microbes and bacteria from water and water based environments. The use of this product to help rabies infected patients could save lives so that research is needed.
If you want to know more about ParaZapper this website will really helpful. I like to read this website article.

ParaZapper is a trademark of
Para Systems, Inc.
5537 Balboa Ct.
Pinson, AL 35126 USA
All rights reserved.

How Parazapper can Help for Diarrhea

In Bangladesh, every year many poor children are affected by Diarrhea. A NGO  publish their collected survey data. Every year rural children are affected by diarrhea 4.5 times and 230000 children die, where 8287 children are under five years.
Recently some years this condition has changed cause most poor people are aware of the disease and their economic condition has developed.
Govt. and some NGO are working on this field. For improve awareness about Diarrhea already added diarrhea topic with text book and NGO giving training voluntarily.

Diarrhea infection has some cause.  Different types ages people affected by the disease different virus. Children are mostly affected by the rotavirus, which age is under 5 years. Adult are affected by the astroviruses. Virus and bacteria both are responsible for the disease.

Rotavirus vaccine can decrease the rates of diarrhea in people. Proper hand washing and fresh food is effective for prevention of diarrhea.
David Etheredge has innovated a LVPEF device that kills many microbes in water, which is called ParaZapper. It can eliminate virus and bacteria from water within 2 hours.
I was found effective news on that site. There has lot of information about ParaZapper device.
ParaZapper is a trademark of
Para Systems, Inc.
5537 Balboa Ct.
Pinson, AL 35126 USA
All rights reserved.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Cost of Malaria and Dengue Fever in Bangladesh and the potential of using LVPEF devices such as ParaZapper to help kills illness causing microbes

Mosquitoes are responsible for malaria diseases. Usually this mosquito is found in tropical
region in urban and peri urban area. When the ades mosquito bites humans then dengue virus is transmitted to the human body. IEDCR (Institute of Epidemiology Disease Control and Research took a hospital based surveillance in the 6 district , from 2008 - 2009. Usually dengue more affected in post monsoon season. Affected rate in rural 49% and urban 51%.

Dengue fever was first identified during 1950s in Asian countries. Now dengue is common disease in more than 100 countries. Some days ago this diseases epidemics rate was 40-50%, now it reach 80-90%. Every year more than 500000 people admit to take hospitalization and 6% roughly die.

The main indication of the disease is illness, flu, fever, vomiting. When this fever reach deadly condition then liver enlarges and high fever exists. If that moment patient don't get proper treatment then patient may quickly go into serious moment within 12-24 hours.

Dengue fever is not specific treatment, but if the patient take immediate steps and expert doctor can save lives of dengue patient. 

I asked a person if the zapper is effective for dengue fever but this person can't able to answer my question. Then i describe some issue clearly. Zapper can destroyed bacteria, fungi, microbes, protozoa from water. But dengue virus is too small to see with a microscope, so need to use Parazapper. I got some effective features in ParaZapperCC2. It is believed that it can destroy viral infection within 12-24 hours.

There has more health topics. 

I have some other blog.

ParaZapper is a trademark of
Para Systems, Inc.
5537 Balboa Ct.
Pinson, AL 35126 USA
All rights reserved.

Influenza in Bangladesh & LVPEF can help to Solve it

International center for diarrheal disease research institute has been working for the last 40
years to provide training about common diseases. CDC and IEDCR both are take immediate steps to control the disease.

  The main cause of the Influenza disease is RNA virus. Its most common disease in Bangladesh. Sometimes influenza makes children vomiting, fever. Adult people also feel physical discomfort , runny nose, muscle pain This virus spreads around the world.

 U.S centers and Government of Bangladesh recently published hospital based surveillance report , about 20 month influenza prevention and control efforts. This virus is two types type A and type B. National representative published data , from May 2007 to December 2008  3698 influenza affected people which 386 were positive. Among themselves 51% A type and 49% B type. Children are mostly affected by the disease.

Majority percent rural area people eat unhygienic food. If they use LVPEF( Low Voltage Pulsed Electric Field) then it may disable these and other germs. This device using ultimate result is good.

ParaZapper is a trademark of
Para Systems, Inc.
5537 Balboa Ct.
Pinson, AL 35126 USA
All rights reserved.