Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dysentry in Bangladesh, LVPEF Device can Reduce the Rate

Intestinal inflammation and  frequently latrine with mucus is called dysentery. The main odor with mucus, stomach pain.
symptoms of the dysentery is illness, frequent times
A survey was taken in Bangladesh about 50 sub- districts at rural area. They select 29885 household for sample design. Finally they randomly select 30 cluster samples. For continue their promotional activities they implement sanitary latrines, tube wells,  give training about hygiene and health.
After some month they got overall result. Dysentery affection rate reduced 10%.
This disease is also called shigellosis. Shigella contaminated to human body by water or food. Unhygienic food and public sanitation helps to rapidly spread the disease.
Solving Way:
 Usually doctors are use re hydration therapy. For specific condition require microbiological microscopy therapy.
Since this disease is considered water borne disease perhaps ParaZapper will very effective because Cause LVPEF device such as ParaZapper can kill protozoa,, bacteria, and other small germ from water within 1 hour. Since the human body is water based, studies are asked to be done for killing bacteria infection.
I like to read about LVPEF device and enjoyed to visit the site so many times.
ParaZapper is a trademark of
Para Systems, Inc.
5537 Balboa Ct.
Pinson, AL 35126 USA
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