Friday, January 31, 2014

H1N1 in Bangladesh & How can Parazapper can help for prevention

H1N1 virus was first identified in Bangladesh , June 2009. It is a subtype of influenza virus. This type of virus
has transmitted to human body by birds and pigs. In 2004- 2005 this disease affection rate was small number but 2009 it reached to endemic condition.
Bangladeshi health department publish the report in 2010 of March 840 people was admit to hospital and 6 people was dead. At the moment UNICEF support Bangladesh. After getting UNICEF collaboration Bangladesh broadly start publishing consciousness about H1N1 virus.
Some non government organization participate this campaign. They use mass media, through local newspaper, TV channel, FM radio etc. Different mobile also participate this campaign. They sent SMS their subscriber about H1N1.

Way of Prevention:
Basically this virus can transmit on to another by air, water, and through a cough. Since this disease can transmit to another by water. Zappers such as ParaZapper can kill virus or bacteria from water within 1 hour. Due to the idea that ParaZapper can kill germs from water in as little as 1 hour, if it also killed the virus in the human body, this might be a good defense against H1N1 and other influenza virus. There are many reports of success with this on the internet but more studies should be done.

ParaZapper is a trademark of
Para Systems, Inc.
5537 Balboa Ct.
Pinson, AL 35126 USA
All rights reserved.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Cardiovascular Disease in Bangladesh & How Zapper can prevent it

Cardiovascular Disease in Bangladesh & How Zapper can prevent it

Cardiovascular disease is mostly related with our vessel and heart. This disease is also called heart disease. Majority percent people identify this disease at the last of the moment. When Disease reaches to atherosclerosis, the condition then gradually blocks arteries. Finally it affects total cardiovascular system.

Different types of cardiovascular disease are:
  •  Heat failure.
  • Coronary artery disease.
  • Cardiac arrhythmia.
  • Failure at the right side of the heart( Cor pulmonale)
  • Heart valve problem.
 Main Reason:
 Smoking and diabetes is mainly responsible for the problem. But high blood pressure, age, hyperglycemia, obesity, lack of physical exercise, excessive fatty food eating is also responsible for this problem.

Heart Disease condition in Bangladesh:
Cardiovascular disease affection rate are increasing day by day. Cause majority percent people don't care about diet controlling and unconscious about physical fitness.
 World health organization published latest data in April 2011, Heart disease reached 17.11%. Death rate is 203 per 100000 population. Bangladesh rank is 25 in the world.
When a person starts drinking pure water then automatically it prevents different types of disease. So, indirectly fresh water helps to prevent cardiovascular disease.
One factor that is now reported to increase cardiac problems is inflammation from dental infection.
The potential use of devices such as ParaZapper for dental infections may have benefit in the reduction of cardiac failure. It is amazing that ParaZapper can kill germs from water in as little as 1 hour.

Hulda Clark Zapper
Parasite Zapper
Best Zapper

Saturday, January 11, 2014

How Zapper can help to Plague affected people

How Zapper can help Plague affected people
Alexandre Yersin first discovered the plague disease bacteria. For this reason this bacteria is called Yersinia pestis. According to a WHO news release, the plague is one of the three most common epidemic diseases in Bangladesh. By different types of via plague bacteria transmit to human body. Such as undercooked food, air, animal bite. The main cause of plague in Bangladesh is wild rats which carry the plague bacteria.
Recently this disease has spread out to china by rat. WHO published that Bangladesh is taking immediate steps to prevent the disease. However, the plague is rapidly increasing in China, especially Qinghai province near Ziketan Town. Four people have died in that town.
Plague bacteria can easily transmit human to human by coughing according to WHO. IEDCR director said plague can quickly turn into epidemic form. This bacteria directly infects the glands.

Everyone need to drink fresh water for prevent and eliminate the disease. While a zapper such as Hulda Clark Zapper can help to make fresh water within 1 hour, it is not sold for that purpose. It is good at killing many microbes such as bacteria and may be of value in stopping Yersinia pestis.

ParaZapper is a trademark of
Para Systems, Inc.
5537 Balboa Ct.
Pinson, AL 35126 USA
All rights reserved.